Saturday, February 14, 2009

Birthdays and stuff

This 32nd post just so happens to be about my 32nd birthday. Random. It was different this year. I thought 30 would be bad, but it was so much fun going to NY with one of my best friends, cjoy, that I didn't really notice I was out of my 20s. 31 wasn't too bad because it didn't really seem that old. This year, though, was much harder. The day before, I had a mini meltdown in the car on the way to work. I started thinking about all the things I want to do with my life and how I another year was almost up and none of them were done. I managed to snap out of it by the time I got to the office, but I was kind of in a mood all day. The actual day started out just as bad. I stood in the bathroom brushing my teeth lamenting about how "old" I was and how nothing ever seemed to change and I am in the same place in life I was a year ago. Then, all of a sudden, I realized how crappy it sounded to be whining to God on my birthday and decided I needed an attitude adjustment. I decided I would be thankful for another day and another year. I had to keep convincing myself all day that things are good. I am happy, relatively healthy, have a great husband and a good job. I have a roof over my head, clothes on my back, and food on my plate, which is more than many people in the world can say confidently.

The day progressed and, other than getting fussed at by a judge, it got much better. My mom called to remind me that she felt better that day than she did 32 years ago (an annual tradition done for both me and my sister). My dad emailed from Korea to give me an update on things (he moved into his "permanent" apartment on my birthday and is doing well). Various friends called or emailed during the day to wish me happy birthday. Friends at church made plans to go out next weekend to celebrate. My office had cake, which everyone seemed happy to devour, and I hosted Bunco. It was a small group this month, but fun, nonetheless. We had more cake and enjoyed visiting and catching up. Overall, it was a pretty decent day. Not as joyful as birthdays past, but I finished the day content, which was a marked improvement from how it started.

Then, after everyone left, I opened presents from T. HE GOT ME A Wii! I was so shocked when I opened it and he was grinning the whole time. I mentioned the possibility of getting him one for Christmas after a friend got one for her birthday last summer. He didn't seem too interested (though he's playing the boxing game while I blog and loving it), so I didn't really pursue it other than telling him I thought we'd enjoy it. I was mostly interested in the fitness package they have. I stopped going to the trainer just before Ike to take a break. I decided not to go back after the first of the year because I feel very compelled to get my credit cards paid off and be as debt free as possible. If T gets mobilized, we may be able to pay off the house (or at least a pretty significant chunk of it) and by then, my car would be paid off, so we'd be doing pretty good. But, I digress. What shocked me the most was that I haven't mentioned the Wii since around Thanksgiving, but he remembered! I've gotten some strange gifts from him in the past, sometimes they seem like last minute desperation gifts, but they are always things I like (books, tickets to Body Worlds, movies, etc). This time, though, he really listened.

Today is Valentine's Day. I spent it babysitting for friends who are moving this weekend. They hhave 2 girls who are 3 and 4.5 and are getting ready for a boy in a couple of months. They are great, loving kids and very much fun (most of the time) to hang out with. We went to the park and then to lunch before going to grandma and grandpa's house for a nap. My friend thinks it was a blessing for me to take the girls, but really, it's a blessing to get to hang out with them. T and I made dinner and then exchanged gifts for V-Day. We don't usually do anything big, but I try to do something at least slightly romantic. I made him a bath basket with some stuff he's been talking about needing to get at the store. I usually get flowers at work or some kind of candy. He totally outdid me this year (not that it's a competition or anything, but you know what I mean).

He got me the other 1/2 of the Wii package I had been wanting - the Wii Fitness! The Wii came with a sport package that has baseball, tennis, bowling, golf and boxing. It's a lot of fun. The Fitness one, though, has so much more. It has a balance board that you stand on and real exercises, several of which are disguised like games (like hula hoops and ski jumping for balance or a race for cardio). We have spent the last 2 hours playing. It keeps track of your weight (measured from the board, so there's no cheating) and your fitness level. You can't do the harder versions until you've done the easier ones a sufficient number of times successfully enough that the machine thinks you won't hurt yourself. You can choose a male or female trainer for the yoga or strength training exercises and she's encouraging but not too cheerful (I don't really like the "you can do it" said with a too cheerful and cheesy smile).

So, I will now go to bed (after a good shower because you actually do get sweaty playing a video game) knowing God has indeed blessed me with a great husband who is listening more than I realized and who cares enough to play silly video games with me and encourage me in working out. I am a lucky woman.


~cjoy said...

You ARE a lucky woman!

I'm so happy you got what such a great gift...and two parts in one week! (Handy having your bday and vday so close!)

PS - Tim IS great....otherwise, you wouldn't have married him. :)

Dawn's Daily Journal said...

That is an awesome gift!!!! He did good!! :)
I just checked my blog this morning after being off of it for a week. Thank you for the comment you left on the anniversary post. :)
Happy belated birthday to you my friend!!!